Watch Stages 1-4 of canine dental disease during cleaning performed at our clinic
Gum disease is caused by accumulation of bacteria (plaque) at the gum line due in part to a lack of proper oral hygiene, breed, genetics, age, and diet.
As the number of bacteria below the gumline increases, bacterial waste products, such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, acids, and other compounds, accumulate and damage tissues. The dog’s own response to this infection (inflammation) also causes tissue breakdown and loss of the tooth’s supporting tissues.
There are 2 forms of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis
In periodontitis, the tissue damage is more severe and includes the gums, ligaments, and bone. It is seen after years of development of plaque, tartar, and gingivitis. It is irreversible and results in permanent loss of tooth support.
1Grades shown on top have been adapted from Wolf HF, Rateitschak EM, Rateitschak KH, et al. Color atlas of dental medicine: Periodontology, 3rd ed. Stuttgart, Germany: Georg Thieme Veriag. 2005.©2017 Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.®/TM Trademarks owned by Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. CPD-1778E